Life Saving, Life Changing

Employee Spotlight: Opener of Opportunities


If you read Jason’s job description as an Advocate, you would think he opened a single door, the door of the Emergency Shelter of Northern Kentucky (ESNKY). The first is in fact a physical door, but by doing that single act he opens so many complex doors for those who walk in. The visitors of the shelter have basic needs that most of us take for granted, a shower, laundry, basic hygiene, and food. Jason provides all of those needs and then goes a step further. He gives them something that is not in his job description. Someone to talk to, a haven even. By working at the shelter, he has made so many meaningful connections with people that still touch him to this day. He gives people the chance to dream for something that comes so easily to most of us, the ability to become tax-paying citizens.

Recently he became the daytime Shift Advocate since the overnight shelter moved to the Restricted Custody Facility in Newport. Help was needed at Scott Street during the day to answer the phones, hand out mail, open the door to hand out clothing. He also was responsible for overseeing the Winter Shower & Laundry program. No one is more qualified for this than someone who used to be on the other side of that door. He personally knows the struggles that people face and the hope that the shelter provides. He said that he relates to every single person that walks through the door. He worked hard to get to where he is today and is grateful for every minute. He said during the six months of working at the shelter he has grown so much and gained many new skills. He used to be shy and closed off from people, but today it is hard to imagine him not engaging in friendly banter with his coworkers. It is easy to see that he loves his job, as well as helping out anyone who needs it. When asked by one of his coworkers if he would help her carry something in, he didn’t miss a beat.

“Why do you think that I wouldn’t?”

When Jason is not working, he uses his time yet again to make himself and the world a better place, by attending Alcoholic Anonymous meetings. He said that he is very close with the attendees and they often enjoy fellowship after the meetings and go out to eat.  He said some of his favorite moments that they have spent together have been going to White Rock to jump off cliffs and zip lip. The group also makes time for less adventurous events like bowling. Who would not love to work with someone as amazing as Jason?

By: Emily Broyles the Scripps Howard Communication Intern